onderweg #150x40cm, oil on linen2024
Series: onderweg

From time to time everyone waits in public spaces. Sometimes it might be a few minutes, other times much longer. Sam Reekers became fascinated by this common activity, whereby we are in transit without moving. In his detailed oil paintings, he depicts the state of being that waiting entails. He portrays people just as they are: bored, sleepy, or perfectly content, without any judgment on the waiting people or the act of waiting itself. Most of his paintings originate from photographs he took at train stations. Together, they capture often overlooked moments in life.

During the act of painting, Reekers works within a limited time frame, just as waiting has
its own span of time. In this way, the subject matter and implementation converge. The size of his paintings invites viewers to stand close by. This makes observing the waiting people unexpectedly intimate. From a distance, the paintings collectively form a waiting room, of which you briefly feel part.

Text by Hagar Schuringa

Photo by Django van Ardenne
onderweg #250x40cm, oil on canvas2023
Photo by Sara Roos
onderweg #560x50cm, oil on linen2024
onderweg #750x40cm, oil on linen2024
onderweg #850x40cm, oil on linen2024

Photo by Sara Roos
onderweg #1250x40cm, oil on linen2024

Photo by Sara Roos
Installation views
Galerie Ron Mandos BoG and HKU Exposure2024

Photos by Jonathan de Waart at Galerie Ron Mandos’ Best of Graduates
and Sara Roos at HKU Exposure
©2024reekerssam@gmail.comKVK: 94573719